Wrexham Lintel Repair

We Carry Out Fast And Affordable Lintel Repairs In Wrexham

Wrexham Lintel RepairDo you live in Wrexham and want an expert to come out to your Wrexham property and carry out an effective lintel repair quickly and for an affordable cost ? If the answer is yes then you should read this post and call us today at 0333 444 1540 !

We carry out lintel repairs all over the North West of England and into Wales and are the leading structural specialists in the UK ! This post will cover why lintels get damaged in the first place , how we would repair damaged lintels and finally why your best option is to call us today !

Why Lintels Get Damaged 

Lintels can get damaged for a variety but by far the most common reason why lintels get damaged are because of either aging to failure due to the wrong material being used or the lintel failing due to being installed by a non structural specialist.

If the lintel was installed many years ago there is a quite large chance that the lintel is timber meaning that it will inevitably age to failure which is why now structural specialists only use concrete lintels or steel beams / catnic’s. However many generic builders wont know this and could also install the lintel incorrect so this is why only a structural specialists should carry out lintel repairs.

How We Would Repair Damaged Lintels 

The first step in repairing a damaged lintel would be to structurally support the loads above the damaged lintel which it is now failing to do effectively . We would do this by temporarily installing strong boy supports which are then further propped by acrows .

After this we could then replace the damaged lintel as it is always best to just replace the damaged lintel . Next we would install the new lintel which would be immensely better and after the supports are removed and the site is clean the job would be complete.

Why You Best Option Is To Call Us Today For A Lintel Repair In Wrexham!

Wrexham Lintel RepairUnlike many other builders we are complete structural building experts who specialise in all structural repairs such as lintel repairs . Other contractors will often fail to structurally support the loads above the lintel and cause structural cracking which is a massive detriment to the value of the property .

Don’t damage your property instead call a structural expert , call 0333 444 1540 ! Click here to see our structural services page and furthermore click here to see our customer testimonials page !


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